Monday, March 2, 2009

Diana Carlin

Diana Carlin came to visit our class today and she was talking about her research on political focus groups. She started her research in 1992 and every election year since she sets up a focus group, and then those finds go to Washington. she started talking about the differences between online and face to face interactions and she said a lot of it depended on having a good moderator. she when on to talk about some interesting findings, such as people like to talk with others about politics. She said we have been taught to not talk about them or religion, but here in the focus group people can actually talk about it. People can also see the differing opinions and maybe see some things from another light. She went on to talk about consistent results when looking at the leader in the country. a few we talked about included; a good communicator, appearance,nonverbal cues, character issue, and empathy.

1 comment:

  1. Some other things for you to focus on when writing this kind of posts:
    - what exactly did she say about "the differences between online and face to face interactions"?
    - how does it relate to our course discussions and readings?
    - what do you take for yourself as the internet users and cmc student?
